About the Parish Council
What to expect.
What Mollington Parish Council can do and what Mollington Parish Council doesn't do (but we might know someone who does!)
What Mollington Parish Council can do.
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Finance. Parish Councils are different from community groups because they are a statutory body, one created by law and they have the power to precept (set the charge that will be levied on residents as a small part of the council tax bill on your home). This is the PC’s main source of income. Mollington Parish Council's precept for 2020 is £10 for a Band D property. Parish Councils can also apply for grants and will receive money through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which is applied to new buildings. We cannot spend money without the necessary statutory power and full resolution by the Parish Council. |
Planning. Mollington Parish Council review local planning applications and provide comments to Cheshire West and Chester Council. Applicants can ask advice of a PC prior to submitting an application and also can ask them to support their application. The PC can, in their comments, take neighbours’ concerns into account. They can speak at planning committees and planning inquiries. Mollington is covered by CWaC Planning policy STRAT 9 Greenbelt and countryside. https://maps.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/cwac/localplan For greater protection the PC and residents could work together to create a Neighbourhood plan. This is a statutory document which has to be taken into account when CWaC are making decisions on Land use. Alternatively, our community could create a Community plan. This is aspirational rather than statutory in terms of effect. A community plan would involve a team of residents working together to achieve goals that would make life better for the residents. Click here to see some community views. For details of who the Parish Councillors are, click here. Alternatively, visit our notice boards which can be found opposite the Village Green on Grove Road or the Village Green on Townfield Lane. |
Sign post residents to the online system for reporting Litter, Fly tipping and Dog Fouling and also for fielding enquiries regarding repairs on roads and pavements. |
We are responsible for the following areas in Mollington: The Green and the Bus Stop library. |
What Mollington Parish Council doesn't do.
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What We Don't Do Approve local planning applications. That power rests with CWAC (Cheshire West and Chester Council. For more information visit https://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/residents/planning-and-building-control/planning |
Assets of Community Value. We have the power to nominate and bid for assets of community value e.g. buildings and land responsibility to maintain certain areas in the Parish. We can also impose speed limits or parking restrictions, in conjunction with Highways and residents |
Do you want to become a Parish Councillor?
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Anyone can be a Parish Councillor so long as they are 18 or over and can meet some or all of the criteria which can be found here. Parish Councils are elected every 4 years. If a vacancy occurs between elections, a by-election can be called but if that does not happen, the Council is free to co-opt or appoint someone to fill the vacancy. Almost all Councils employ a Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) whose job it is to do the work of the Council, providing advice and support. |
Parish Council Meetings
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Meetings - The best way to find out what Parish Councils do, is to attend their meetings or read their minutes. You can find Agendas and minutes on Mollington Parish Council website. All Parish Council meetings are open to the public (on some occasions part of the meeting may be closed to the public due to the confidential or sensitive nature of items being discussed) and include an open forum or public participation where members of the public can speak. Mollington Parish Council usually meets on Tuesdays every 2 months at 7.30pm in either the Village Hall or St Oswald's Primary School. |
Concerns/Feedback/Comments – If you wish to contact your Parish Council, the easiest way is to contact the Clerk, Muna Clough, and she will point you in the right direction. It normally follows one of the following: 1. The Clerk may give you a link to the CWAC Officer/web page or reporting hotline (if it falls under the responsibility of CWAC) 2. She may be able to answer your query straight away due to previous knowledge or what the Parish Council have been working on. 3. If it is an area of concern that has not been raised before or adds to work already on-going, the Clerk will either add it as an Agenda item at the next Parish Council meeting or consult with Councillors to agree how best to progress the feedback/Complaint. Councillors, by majority, then decide how to proceed. |